Chu, Chu My Daddy 6

After encountering a few bumps on the road, the team is happy to bring you another episode of CCMD. You can now download episode 6 via torrent. We'll be bringing you more updates on the rest of our projects soon.


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much. I'm already looking forward to the next episode.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for continuing this project.

Unknown said...

Any news on when it might be available for DD?

I'm patient. I've been hanging out for sub continuation since early last year, so it's ok if I have to wait longer. You guys are doing a great job, you have my sincere thanks. :D

Anonymous said...

Thank You so much for the subs.
I just recently fell in love with Chu Chu and i'm glad I got to watch the 7 episodes I did.

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